Coronavirus (COVID-19) and Indiana State University - News
Health Assessment Survey
Updated March 23, 2022, 9:19 a.m.
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ISU Covid-19 News
March 2 -- ISU will make masks optional starting March 5
Jan. 24 -- At-home COVID tests available free for employees on ISU Health Plan
Jan. 13 -- Video from ISU President Dr. Deborah J. Curtis on start of Spring semester
Jan. 10 -- Reminder that Dede II testing site is only for students and employees who have not submitted proof of vaccination
Dec. 2 -- More detail on Sycamore Community Health Initiative announced for students, faculty, and staff
Nov. 3 -- FAQs on Sycamore Community Health Initiative posted
Sept. 23 -- Sycamore Community Health Initiative launched
Sept. 3 -- Vaccine or testing requirements for experiential learning and community engagement
Aug. 30 -- COVID-19 vaccination dashboard launch
Aug. 17-- Daily COVID-19 dashboard back in operation
Aug. 12 -- Pfizer vaccine available on campus
Aug. 11 -- Interim Provost Christopher Olsen on COVID syllabus language
Aug. 10 -- COVID-19 information from Residential Life
Aug. 2 -- Incentives announced for getting vaccinated
Aug. 2 -- ISU will resume requiring face coverings indoors regardless of vaccination status
July 29 -- Students invited to voluntarily submit vaccination record
July 2 -- Employees invited to voluntarily submit vaccination record
July 2 -- Update on Health Assessment Survey
June 18 -- President Curtis announces ISU policy on vaccinations
May 14 -- More detail on ISU mask policy
May 13 -- ISU will not require masks for fully vaccinated people
Apr. 6 -- Summer 2021 COVID-19 event guidance
Apr. 1 -- COVID-19 vaccine will be available on campus for students and employees
Feb. 23 -- COVID-19 related guidance for large events and gatherings
Feb. 2 -- COVID-19 vaccine available to Indiana residents age 65 and older
Jan. 12 -- Extension of Temporary Student Directives for the Prevention of COVID-19
Dec. 16 -- Alternative Work Options extended to Jan. 18, 2021
Nov. 20 -- Covid-19 protocol reminder to employees
Nov. 19 -- Moratorium on student events, other covid-19 guidelines extended
Nov. 16 -- Changes for Hulman Center basketball games
Nov. 16 -- Student organization activities move to online
Nov. 13 -- Changes in response to Governor's announcement
Nov. 13 -- Alternative work options at ISU during pandemic
Nov. 10 -- HR reminds employees to follow Covid-19 safety measures
Oct. 12 -- ISU issues Covid-19 guidelines and protocol for Hulman Center
Oct. 9 -- Covid-19 testing available on campus
Oct. 8 -- ISU schedules four in-person Winter Commencement ceremonies
Sept. 29 -- Reminder that safety guidelines are still in effect
Sept. 11 -- Capacity limit for events extended
Sept. 3 -- Video message from Staff Council chair Todd LaComba
Sept. 3 -- Moratorium instituted on Greek recruitment, chapter activities
Aug. 21 -- Online dashboard introduced for COVID-19 cases at ISU. Story
Aug. 20 -- Video message to students by Interim VP for Student Affairs. Transcript. Temporary Student Directives.
Aug. 19 -- Faculty and staff guidance on privacy and COVID-19
Aug. 14 -- Online health assessments will aid ISU in monitoring potential impact of virus. FAQ
Aug. 14 -- Missouri Valley Conference cancels fall sporrts season
Aug. 13 -- Video message to students by President Curtis on safety precautions. Transcript.
Aug. 10 -- ISU announces new capacity limits for events
Aug. 7 -- Football season postponed
Aug. 3 -- Football practice and conditioning paused after six players test positive for COVID-19
July 31 -- Homecoming 2020 activities canceled
July 25 -- Women's basketball player tests positive for COVID-19
July 21 -- ISU will require face coverings while indoors on campus with some exceptions
July 9 -- Fall Planning Webpage details changes in Academic Affairs, Student Affairs, more
June 30 -- Residential Life and Housing announces changes for Fall semester
June 1 -- Letter from President Curtis on George Floyd, plans for Fall semester
May 20 -- A Daily Health Assessment will be part of phased-in return to on-campus summer operations
May 16 -- ISU graduates 2,050 at virtual spring commencement
May 16 -- It is Spring Commencement day! Virtual ceremony available starting at 2 p.m. (EDT).
May 8 -- ISU announces plan to engage campus for phased-in summer operations
May 6 -- Video of President Curtis on ISU following governor's plan to get Back on Track
May 4 -- ISU begins distribution of $3.12 million in CARES Act grants to eligible students
May 1 -- Sherard Clinkscales, Director of Athletics, on planning for a return
May 1 -- Andrea Angel, Vice President of University Advancement, on planning for a return
April 30 -- Nancy Rogers, Vice President for University Engagement, on planning for a return
April 29 -- University Pay Guidelines and Work Expectations for March 25 to May 15, 2020
April 29 -- ISU extending work from home through May 15
April 29 -- Video of Diann McKee, Senior Vice President for Finance and Administration, on planning for return
April 28 -- Video of Andy Morgan, Interim Vice President for Student Affairs, discussing next steps for return
April 27 -- Videos from President Curtis and Provost Licari begin discussion of phased-in return
April 16 -- Provost announces summer classes will be online-only
April 16 -- Residential Life notified students of housing credits being processed this week.
April 13 -- Provost announces date and details for virtual Spring Commencement
April 9 -- All 2020 ISU summer camps canceled
April 9 -- For future Sycamores, State Start-Up transformed into interactive virtual format
April 3 -- Letter from President Curtis extending time supervisors may allow staff to work from home
April 3 -- University Pay Guidelines for March 25-April 30, 2020 (revised April 3)
April 1 -- Human Resources posted information on employee rights through the Families First Coronavirus Response Act
March 31 -- ISU introduces new virtual campus tour and other enhancements for future Sycamores at
March 27 -- Video message from President Curtis to students.
March 27 -- President Curtis announced Friday that students will have the option of letter grades or satisfactory/unsatisfactory grading in the spring 2020 semester.
March 27 -- Important information for students on the U.S. Census during COVID-19.
March 26 -- ISU's Career Center created a site dedicated to student employment opportunities during COVID-19.
March 26 -- Cunningham Memorial Library will be closed through April 6 in accordance with Gov. Holcomb's stay-at-home order.
March 24 -- Statement regarding communication of positive COVID-19 cases connected to ISU
The leadership of Indiana State University understands the anxiety and concern of parents, students, and the entire campus community when, as happened Monday, there’s an announcement of a positive COVID-19 case connected to ISU.
Members of the campus community, understandably, wanted more information. But there is a legal limit to what ISU may disclose. Personal health information is subject to federal and state privacy laws, including HIPAA, and student educational records are protected by FERPA.
Local health departments are responsible for investigating and notifying the people with whom the infected individual had close contact. We ask the campus community not to speculate on anyone who might have had a positive test for COVID-19. Thank you for respecting the privacy of members of the ISU community.
March 23 -- Indiana State University learned today that a member of our community, living out of state, has tested positive for coronavirus (COVID-19). It is the first such confirmed case with a connection to ISU.
The person who tested positive was last on campus March 12 and then returned home, out of state. The person began displaying symptoms on March 18. The person was tested and the diagnosis confirmed on March 20. This person is in isolation at home and doing well.
March 20 -- Cunningham Memorial Library will be closed during spring break. As an additional security step during the COVID-19 situation, all university buildings will be locked until further notice. Please remember to have your building keys and make necessary arrangements in advance for guests.
March 19 -- Residential Life posted an FAQ, including information on housing/dining refunds and credits.
March 18 -- Video of President Deborah Curtis and SGA president Maddy Longyear
March 17 -- Statement from ISU: "Indiana State University is receiving questions about housing/dining refunds. University leadership is developing a fair and consistent process for issuing housing/dining refunds. Additional information on this process will be forthcoming as soon as possible. We appreciate your patience."
March 16 -- Video message from President Deborah Curtis
March 16 -- ISU announces major changes to help contain COVID-1
March 14 -- Early Childhood Education Center will be closed until April 3.
March 13 -- President Curtis sent a letter to parents and families of ISU students.
March 13 -- ISU announced that it is incorporating Gov. Holcomb's measures into its COVID-19 policies
March 12 -- Video message from President Deborah Curtis
March 12 -- ISU announces move to online-only instruction
March 11 -- Human Resources posted a Q&A for employees.
March 10 -- ISU issued an update regarding campus and the coronavirus (COVID-19).
March 10 -- ISU is requiring anyone traveling from a country with a Level 2 or 3 travel alert from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to self-quarantine off campus for 14 days. Those countries include Italy, China, South Korea, and Japan.
March 9 -- Communication to patrons of the Community School of the Arts
March 6 -- Provost's letter to students in clinical, field work, or internships.
March 6 -- President Deborah Curtis sent a message to the campus community.
March 5 -- The College of Health and Human Services provided guidance for students in clinical, field work, or internships.
March 4 -- ISU emailed students, faculty, and staff an update with information and education, including a section on fielding external inquiries.
March 2 -- ISU emailed students, faculty, and staff an update with information and education, including a section on spring break.
Feb. 27 -- The Indiana State Department of Health issued a four-page document titled, “COVID-19 Guidance for Indiana Colleges and Universities.”
Travel Notices
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
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